I have a fine arts degree, but that's just a piece of paper that confirms I did enough work in college in that particular field. Does not mean I'm this creative genius, but everyone seems to think it does.
I miss being able to be in the shop or studio working away for hours with my peers or just the radio. The smell of aquatint, the heat plate and ink are some things, in my opinion, everyone should experience at least once. I regret not sticking with it or making time for it after I graduated. But I'm no artist.
I'm the type of person that just loves to work with my hands, regardless of the outcome of the project. Is it a masterpiece? Something mind blowing or emotional that it hits my audience every single time? Highly doubtful, but isn't why I spent hours on these pieces of paper or mounds of clay. To me, it has to be functional or serve a purpose, and most likely have an emotional tie to me.
But lately I have been deemed creative, which I feel they are mistaken. Or at least in the context they are using it in. Decorating people's desk for special occasions, no a hard task, but when I ask for suggestions from the group, "Oh, well you're the creative one..." Seriously!?! Or meeting regarding special chapels that the focus is prayer... "I'm sure you have lots of ideas, you're creative." How about we pray...Ding!
I have started to reply, politely that they are mistaken, but I get blown off, as if I'm trying to be modest. No, just being honest.
Sometimes I wish I didn't get a degree in art, but my life would be so different, and I love having the skills I do because of it... I think I'm just going crazy.
I should have become a masterprinter, or some kind of shop assistant... well there is still time.