Saturday, March 8, 2008

I think learning, or teaching yourself, how to play the guitar is the hardest thing I have done in a LONG time. I consider myself musically talented, not a master, but easily able to pick up something either old or new. But I'm just not getting it right now. Yes, I could take into consideration that it maybe that I'm just too busy to sit and practice, but to me that's not a good excuse. I love music, and though I don't always sing in church, mostly cause I can't sing those high octaves, I enjoy the instrumental part. Some songs I don't even know the words, but can recognize them just with the beginning notes.

Yes, I've been extremely busy, and ready for a break, and I'm sorry for not talking to very many people. But I'm doing fine and enjoying my sanity. My prints are slowly becoming great images, which means I'm taking too long to do things. I'm not so sure about Bridget though, she makes me mad a lot of the time, but I try to just work and zone her out.

Work is consuming my other time for the most part. I'm actually considering leaving and working in a different department. I'm tired of the lack of people helping, and setting poor examples for others. I realize there is change going on, especially with Tom leaving in a few weeks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how cool to learn the "geetar" as uncle orval used to say. Skye wants a guitar too. I think that all of us "rhoades" kids have too much going on right now with work, school, life....i will keep praying for you. So very excited to see you in 3 weeks!!! yay!