So I'm out of my old house... Practically. I still have a few, very few items left there and some minor cleaning to do, but as of Saturday it should all be taken care off. So far only one casualty... I should have tied down the book case...
VBS is four weeks away, and I've gone over my work book a few times, but still worry if I can handle leading the class. I have at least two other people helping me, one being the Director for VBS this year, I almost just want to hand it off, but I said I would do it. Pam, the Pastor's Wife, said she would help me go over it and plan a bit. Honestly, I'm thinking more about decorating the room than the actual lessons. At least I have an age group that I'm comfortable with. How hard should it be to take Kindergartners on a trip to the Outback? Plus, that's the age group I usually coached during the summer for kickball or played with the most...
Like I said earlier, Jason and I are talking, well it's more than talking. He's actually been telling people, mostly close friends and family, that we are together. I know those of you that I have talked to a few month back during our break are probably thinking/saying "be carefull." I know... It's like the old Jason, like when we first started dating, but with a little known history. We both have talked about the break up, and it was a great thing for the both of us. God allowed up to figure out what it was we really needed of ourselves, mine was God. There are a few things that still need to be worked out and discussed and we are doing so, and my trust is still in God and I'm letting HIM make the decisions...
Jason is actually moving at the end of June to Austin, Texas. A month sooner than he expected, but family has upped the departure date. Please pray for him as he is looking for a job there to help cover his bills and expenses. He could transfer with Sears, but believes he would have to get a second job (probably delivering pizzas again) just to survive. He's trying to put his faith in God that He will provide, but it hard for him at times to think that way, especially now that he has kind of a deadline to meet.
As for me... Like I've been saying, my life seems to change every six months. So who knows...
I'm sure that you'll do fine with the kids because you are very kid friendly!
Be sure to send us your new address
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