Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Well here is my first blog for the new year and decade. Not sure what to write. Seems like all my blogs lately are just upsetting sob stories of my life right now. Not that good things never happen, just seems to be getting worse and worse. Jason agrees with me. We aren't where we should be, weather that's Texas, church, or our current residence.

Jason has been told for a few weeks that he was possibly, a strong possibility, getting transferred to a store north of us as Manager. Well just a few days ago he found out that they hired someone outside the company. Jason is currently the number one seller in all of Austin and in the State of Texas, so he's really upset about the way Sears works. This is the third or fourth time since transferring out here they have screwed him over. First it was they lost his paperwork, so he was out of work for two weeks. They decreased his pay, when they originally told him he would be making more, and there are other things that have happened that I can't remember. He's been looking to get out of Retail for a long time, but I'm so sure he has a lot of time to do so.

My job is ok. I'm just so tired of doing the same thing over and over now. I need a change, but I haven't been looking.

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