Monday, February 25, 2013

Stress = Meeting

I recently was promoted at my job given a bit of insight what expected in the coming months and years. Since then I have been a bit more stressed and I'm not sure it's the work load, to the point of considering resigning from these new projects I was so excited to see get off the ground.

I'm grateful that I have a great relationship with my manager, so I often find myself venting and sharing my current feelings due to stress. This time she decided to go to bat and set up a meeting with the director and the person that seems to be the one stressing me out. It's tomorrow and I want out.

This other person is a manager over a sub-department of our office, but has IT experience and used to work in my area five months ago. I feel that their IT experience is out dated and not that beneficial to these projects. Also, they have been out of the DPR game for almost a full year due to other projects assigned  them.

So I'm having a hard time figuring out what their role is in all this and why it seems like I am really just the lab rat. Thus the meeting.

I don't want to cause tension or hurt feelings, but it's getting old being on a team with a teammate that doesn't want to even cheer you on or help you work on your swing.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Being a Girl

Dressing the part is expensively hard to do. I don't know how or where to start. Hair, make-up, clothes, shoes and accessories... I can only blame myself.

I hate clothes shopping. Rarely does anything fit, or it's extremely hideous and old lady. Being a member of the busty girl club has its perks, usually.

Since high school I choose the route of a tomboy, mostly because sports were more important to me than curling my hair or caring about the latest trends in what I dubbed as"girly." Also, it was/is easier. Plus, baggy t-shirts reduced the focus that my chest often draws.

I need help and maybe a sugar daddy. Ok, not the sugar daddy.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

String Cheese and Babies

Like most of us in the working world, my time used of lunch is precious, especially on stressful days. Company is what makes lunch more than just 30 minutes of cold sandwiches and salads. I love my lunch buddies, and the conversations we have.

Today, while discussing being actively in the spotlight of our churches and work, we got on the subject of babies, particularly our future babies. Mostly the fears of my dear friend and co-worker.

She is obviously not mentally their to start her family, which I have a hard time relating to, but totally understand that not every single woman is all gun-ho to get sick, uncomfortable, stretched and put through extreme pain just to extend their family. But I was glad I was there, mostly to listen and discuss they whys.

I'm 29 years old, and pretty much ready, but I'm also on God time, not my own. If I had it my way, I would have been perfectly happy starting my family in my early twenties, but God knew I needed to mature before taking that leap. Doesn't mean I'm not scared. A baby changes more than just my body, but Jason and I's life. Do I stay home? Go back to work? Will we stay in Phoenix? If not, were will we settle and continue to grow our family? There are so many other questions that I could come up with, but I have to remember that I/We will handle them as they come.

I think the biggest fear that we mutually shared was if we would be good moms. What is a good mom? Really, how do you define that?