We got a roommate! I'm so excited and a bit sad. I'm grateful that God handled the situation, and I hope she fits in just right with us, but I'm concerned with how my roommates are currently swindling her. The room is 550/month, plus utilities(add about an extra 70 bucks). I had to pay that last month, which I didn't see how it was fair after discussing it with Jason a bit. That's 200 more for just having your own bath and a slightly larger closet. Jen's response to me chipping in more to lower the rate of the Master was, "But that's like your own little place down there, you know? And what did you post the rent as?" That just made me mad a bit, was she thinking like that when I moved down there? Why can't we help someone out, even when we know we can afford an extra 25 bucks a month?
Work is starting to drag on me, and it's mostly the people here. Like I said, I feel as if I was dealt an unfair hand in this game, but I'm working. I'm finding it hard to stay busy at times, but this week the only days I will have down time are Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Yea, three of the five days I work this week. Yes, I'm probably going to wear myself out today and Thursday, but I'm trying to make it so that I have time to help Jason with his new puppy.
I just need to go home...
I like that last part...
Everything okay? Hung out with Rhonda,Brian,Sam and Paul tonight and thought about you...maybe you could come around when we go visit Rhonda at the end of July...
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