Monday, December 10, 2007

Only a few more days...

and I think I'm getting sick. Jason has been battling something for the past week, and of course I've been in contact. But I doubt I have the same thing he does. I think I just have a really bad migraine, which is leading to my stomach aches.

Only two more hours then it's off to my first final. But it's not really a final, more of a here's my stuff, tell me what you think. I hate 100 level art classes for this reason. The Crits are not what they should be, especially when the Teacher doesn't encourage people to speak. I feel like I get close to nothing out of it. At least tomorrow I just have work.

1 comment:

HyperElbow said...

I wish my finals were like that. Mine take a full 2 hours up, ask the hardest questions you can imagine, and I have 2 finals each day for 2 Monday and Tuesday. I'm really stressed about it.

Why did things fall through with renting a car?