Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Bling Bling...

So I finally started on my casted ring, which is the only piece my teacher let me cast, LAME! Anyway, it's so cool, and makes me more and more excited about next semester, since I'm taking that class. But I'm also happy with how my Belt Buckle is coming out, though it's quite big, and my pendent...Just wished I had more silver to do things with.

I'm trying to figure out how I'm getting home in two weeks. I'm kinda ifie on driving my truck, and I've been given two offers, one of which has fallen through. I don't know what to of right now.

All I do know is that I miss my family. More than I ever have before, so what does that say about when I go off somewhere else for Grad school?

What's up with my dreams!?! I keep having ones that involve people, people that I've kinda put a hold on. They wouldn't bug me so much, except that they make me miss this person so much, or at least the things we did together. I loved their company, humor, and laugh...among other things. But dream is a dream, rarely are they acted upon...


HyperElbow said...

Making jewelry sounds fun. Amber used to be interested in that. Probably not the way you are doing it. But that would be cool.

I could come get you, but it'd have to be after the 14th(?). Maybe I could stay down there for a night or so and then bring you up here. Is there some kind of train? Just throwing out ideas.

Hope you are having a good week.

HyperElbow said...

Hmmm...I dunno. Let me think about windex