Friday, October 19, 2007

I got my edition done, or at least eleven of the fifty I'm gonna try to do. It's gonna be a lot of paper and time, but worth the sweat. I really could go for a deep tissue message right about now.

I'm excited for my next zinc plate. It's viscosity, which I think I'll like a lot better than the multiple plates and such. All though the reversal one was pretty sweet. With Viscosity, you use one plate, but have three layers of areas, and use three different rollers and inks. I'm using half a zinc plate, which is 12 x 9 at least. That's the biggest I've ever done in terms of Intaglio.

For litho, once I grain my stone out, I'm gonna start doing xerox transfer, which means I get to use photography in a sense. I'm VERY excited for that, cause I'm hoping it leads me to use it along with Serigraphy in my show. I think I'm going to really incorporate my life, ie Family and Friends, in my show. But that's still up in the air, at least for a few more months. But I want something I will be very passionate about, and the things I hold close are my Family/Friends and Faith...The three F's. I kinda like that, but I have to experiment first. So I might be asking for photos from ya'll.

It feels weird not to work tonight, but I'm glad for the break. But yet, I'm lost on how to spend my evening. Hopefully bowling, or some Buster Bowls are in order. HAHAHA Bowling makes me think of my costume for All Hallows Eve! See if you can's gonna be amazing!

1 comment:

HyperElbow said...

While you are having fun playing with Zinc, I am studying Zinc and it's role in our diet. See why I sometimes wish I were an art major? I hate school. I can't wait til you get here. I don't care what we do, it's just going to be fantastic. And no, you can't have pictures of me, so don't ask.