I need a break already, or at least the semester to be over. I really just want to have a no class semester, which I'm pretty close to having one with the schedule I currently have. But I have this desire to go on adventures, to seek other places, and enjoy their splendors...
true sign of a "black sheep" is the thoughts of wandering the world around us.....seeing what else is out there. I love you!
I really miss you & am sorry about your bible.
What is the deal with ya'll talking about "black sheep"? None of you are "black sheep", and I am tired of you two acting like everyone hates you. Thus perpetuating this myth.
Sure everyone makes mistakes, but the keyword there is everyone. Also there is such thing as forgiveness. Giving, receiving, and asking of it.
When ya'll sit there and say, "I'm a black seep, your a black sheep, lets have a pity party together." You begin to imagine that everyone hates you, and start concocting fantasies about things...
Everyone has desires for adventure, to seek out new things, to enjoy God's glorious creation. That does NOT make you a "black sheep". If those were the criteria for being a "black sheep" then there would be no "white sheep." What ever "white sheep" are.
Sorry Becca, but by your "true sign" of "black sheepiness" is unfounded and just plain ridiculous. Don't add to her funk by telling her she is an outcast... Tell her we love her and miss her, but also hope that she finishes school.
Tell her that we know it is lonesome to be all alone, but call anytime if she needs encouragement. Don't say "your an outcast because you want to explore..." Tell her you are proud of how much she is desiring to change and grow. How proud you are of her desire for Jesus, and to love Him more. Encourage her to go to church. Encourage her in her bible study. Btw, Genesis is a great book.
But don't tell her she's different because she has an adventurous spirit. Maybe this is God telling her to be a missionary. Who knows but God, and thats amazing.
And besides if there weren't black sheep, where would black wool come from. Or even nifty nursery rhymes about a black sheep with 3 bags full of wool. He seems pretty popular in my opinion, not a social pariah at all.
I don't want to upset you Becca, but I am tired of my family thinking one another hates each other... And this "black sheep" crap has got to stop. I love you and all my sisters, including Sam. Its drags on me how much we gossip about one another instead of lifting one another up... I know I am a willing participant, but it doesn't make it acceptable. Please don't think I am attacking you, I am just attacking the designation that you and Raylene have given each other... And if you think I hate you I am sorry. I think about ya'll almost daily. I just am not a good enough conversationalist to pick up the phone and have lengthy conversations with anybody in my family, or even my friends for that matter. Did any of you get that joke about Sam... I hope so...
Raylene, we do love you and we miss you, but stay in school. I know your lonesome, call if you need to talk, but you know I'm not a very good phone person, but any of your siblings would love to talk to you. I am very proud of your desire to change and grow in God's will. I hope you can find a church near by that has a good college aged group to hang with. Did you ever try the one I suggested? I dunno how close it is to you. Glad that you were reading your bible, sorry the dog got a taste of the Good News. I know the bible has sentimental value to you, we'll see if we can get mom to replicate some of the verse marking in a new bible for you...
Stay safe, I'm praying for ya'll.
what I meant by "black sheep" was not outcast. I was meaning one of out seven that doesn't live in CA. It wasn't meant to be taken that I think any of you hate me or her, just that we don't live right where ya'll live. I am proud of her in school and in her personal growth. I have told her that only God knows what he has in mind for her and that it will all come together eventually. Again, I in no way think that any of my family hates me... or Raylene for that matter. I know we all make mistakes, I know that we all have said things against and towards each other that we shouldn't have, but I also do not hate any of my family. I did not take your comment as an attack, but I needed to clarify what I was meaning. I hope this helps. I love you also and think of you often.
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